1.3: The Natural Numbers and Mathematical Induction (2024)

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    We will assume familiarity with the set \(\mathbb{N}\) of natural numbers, with the usual arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication on \(\mathbb{n}\), and with the notion of what it means for one natural number to be less than another.

    In addition, we will also assume the following property of the natural numbers.

    Well-Ordering Property of the Natural Numbers

    If \(A\) is a non empty subset of \(\mathbb{N}\), then there exists an element \(\ell \in A\) such that \(\ell \leq x\) for all \(x \in A\).

    To paraphrase the previous property, every nonempty subset of positive integers has a smallest element.

    The principle of mathematical induction is a useful tool for proving facts about sequences.

    Theorem \(\PageIndex{1}\): Principle of Mathematical Induction

    For each natural number \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), suppose that \(P(n)\) denotes a proposition which is either true or false. Let \(A=\{n \in \mathbb{N}: P(n) \text { is true }\}\). Suppose the following conditions hold:

    1. \(1 \in A\).
    2. For each \(k \in \mathbb{N}\), if \(k \in A\), then \(k+1 \in A\).

    Then \(A = \mathbb{N}\).


    Suppose conditions (a) and (b) hold. Assume, by way of contradiction, that \(A \neq \mathbb{N}\). Set \(B=\mathbb{N} \backslash A\), that is \(B=\{n \in \mathbb{N}: P(n) \text { is false }\}\). Then \(B\) is a nonempty subset of \(\mathbb{N}\). By the Well-Ordering Property of the natural numbers, there exists a smallest element \(\ell \in B\) and, hence, we have that \(P(k)\) is true. By condition (b), we obtain that \(P(k+1)\) is true. But \(k+1= \ell\), and \(P(\ell)\) is false, since \(\ell \in B\). This is a contradiction, so the conclusion follows. \(\square\)

    To paraphrase, the principle says that, given a list of propositions \(P(n)\), one for each \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), if \(P(1)\) is true and, moreover, \(P(k+1)\) is true whenever \(P(k)\) is true, then all propositions are true.

    We will refer to this principle as mathematical induction or simply induction. Condition (a) above is called the base case and condition (b) the inductive step. When proving (b), the statement \(P(k)\) is called the inductive hypothesis.

    Example \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    Prove using induction that for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\)



    The statement \(P(n)\) is the equality \(1+2+\cdots+n=\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\). Now the base case says that \(1=\frac{1(1+1)}{2}\), which is clearly true.

    Suppose \(P(k)\) is true for some \(k \in \mathbb{N}\). That is, suppose that \(1+2+\cdots+n=\frac{k(k+1)}{2}\) (this is the inductive hypothesis). Now we have


    This shows that \(P(k+1)\) is true. We have now proved conditions (a) and (b) of Theorem 1.3.1. Therefore, by the principle of mathematical induction we conclude that

    \[1+2+\cdots+n=\frac{n(n+1)}{2} \text { for all } n \in \mathbb{N}.\]

    Example \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    Prove using induction that for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}, 7^{n}-2^{n}\) is divisible by 5.


    For \(n=1\), we have \(7-2=5\), which is clearly a multiple of 5.

    Suppose that \(7^{k}-2^{k}\) is a multiple of 5 for some \(k \in \mathbb{N}\). That is, there is an integer \(j\) such that \(7^{k}-2^{k}=5 j\). Let us write \(7^{k}-2^{k}=5 j\). Now, substituting this expression below, we have

    \[7^{k+1}-2^{k+1}=7 \cdot 7^{k}-2 \cdot 2^{k}=7\left(2^{k}+5 j\right)-2 \cdot 2^{k}=7 \cdot 2^{k}-2 \cdot 2^{k}+7 \cdot 5 j=2^{k}(7-2)+5 \cdot 7 j=5\left(2^{k}+7 j\right)\]

    It follows that \(7^{k+1}-2^{k+1}\) is a multiple of 5. This proves the inductive step.

    We conclude by induction that \(7^{n}-2^{n}\) is divisible by 5 for all \(n \in \mathbb(N)\).

    Example \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    Prove using induction that for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\)

    \[n+1 \leq 2^{n}\]


    For \(n=1\), we have \(1+1=2=2^{1}\), so the base case is true.

    Suppose next that \(k+1 \leq 2^{k}\) for some \(k \in \mathbb{N}\). Then \(k+1+1 \leq 2^{k}+1\). Since \(2^{k}\) is a positive integer, we also have \(1 \leq 2^{k}\). Therefore,

    \[(k+1)+1 \leq 2^{k}+1 \leq 2^{k}+2^{k}=2 \cdot 2^{k}=2^{k+1}.\]

    We conclude by the principle of mathematical induction that \(n+1 \leq 2^{n}\) for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\).

    The following result is known as the Generalized Principle of Mathematical Induction. It simply states that we can start the induction process at any integer \(n_{0}\), and then we obtain the truth of all statements \(P(n)\) for \(n \geq n_{0}\).

    Theorem \(\PageIndex{2}\) - Generalized Principle of Mathematical Induction.

    Let \(n_{0} \in \mathbb{N}\) and for each natural \(n \geq n_{0}\), suppose that \(P(n)\) denotes a proposition which is either true or false. Let \(A=\{n \in \mathbb{N}: P(n) \text{ is true}\}\). Suppose the following two conditions hold:

    1. \(n_{0} \in A\).
    2. For each \(k \in \mathbb{N}\), \(k \geq n_{0}\), if \(k \in A\), then \(k+1 \in A\).

    Suppose conditions (a) and (b) hold. Assume, by way of contradiction, that \(A \nsupseteq\{k \in \mathbb{N}: \left.k \geq n_{0}\right\}\). Set \(B=\left\{n \in \mathbb{N}: n \geq n_{0}, P(n) \text { is false }\right\}\). Then \(B\) is a nonempty subset of \(\mathbb{N}\). By the Well-Ordering Property of natural numbers, there exists a smallest element \(\ell \in B\). By condition (a), \(n_{0} \notin B\). Hence, \(\ell \geq n_{0}+1\). It follows that \(k=\ell-1 \geq n_{0}\). Since \(k<\ell\), \(k \notin B\) and, so, we have that \(P(k)\) is true. By condition (b), we obtain that \(P(k+1)\) is true. But \(k+1= \ell\), and \(P(\ell)\) is false, since \(\ell \in B\). This is a contradiction, so the conclusion follows. \(\square\)

    Example \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    Prove by induction that \(3 n<2^{\prime}\) for all \(n \geq 4\).


    The statement is true for \(n=4\) since \(12<16\). Suppose next that \(3 k<2^{k}\) for some \(k \in \mathbb{N}\), \(k \geq 4\). Now,

    \[3(k+1)=3 k+3<2^{k}+3<2^{k}+2^{k}=2^{k+1},\]

    where the second inequality follows since \(k \geq 4\) and, so, \(2^{k} \geq 16>3\). This shows that \(P(k+1)\) is true. Thus, by the generalized principle of induction, the inequality holds for all \(n \geq 4\).

    Next we present another variant of the induction principle which makes it easier to prove the inductive step. Despite its name, this principle is equivalent to the standard one.

    Theorem \(\PageIndex{3}\) - Principle of Strong Induction.

    For each natural \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), suppose that \(P(n)\) denotes a proposition which is either true or false. Let \(A=\{n \in \mathbb{N}: P(n) \text { is true }\}\). Suppose the following two conditions hold:

    1. \(1 \in A\).
    2. For each \(k \in \mathbb{N}\), if \(1,2, \ldots, k \in A\), then \(k+1 \in A\)

    Then \(A = \mathbb{N}\).


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    Remark \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    Note that the inductive step above says that, in order to prove \(P(k+1)\) is true, we may assume not only that \(P(k)\) is true, but also that \(P(1), P(2), \ldots, P(k-1)\) are true.

    There is also a generalized version of this theorem where the base case is for some integer \(n_{0}>1\).

    Example \(\PageIndex{5}\)

    Prove by induction that every positive integer greater than 1 is either a prime number or a product of prime numbers.


    Clearly, the statement is true for \(n=2\). Suppose the statement holds for any positive integer \(m \in\{2, \ldots, k\}\), where \(k \in \mathbb{N}\), \(k \geq 2\). If \(k+1\) is prime, the statement holds for \(k+1\). Otherwise, there are positive integers \(p, q>1\) such that \(k+1=pq\). Since \(p, q \leq k\), by the inductive assumption applied to both \(p\) and \(q\) we can find prime numbers \(r_{1}, \ldots, r_{\ell}\) and \(s_{1}, \ldots, s_{m}\) such that \(p=r_{1} \cdots r_{\ell}\) and \(q=s_{1} \cdots s_{m}\) (note that \(\ell\) and \(m\) may both equal 1). But then

    \[k+1=r_{1} \cdots r_{\ell} s_{1} \cdots s_{m}\]

    Thus, the statement holds true for \(k+1\). The conclusion now follows by the principle of Strong Induction.

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    Prove the following using Mathematical Induction.

    1. \(1^{2}+2^{2}+\cdots+n^{2}=\frac{n(n+1)(2 n+1)}{6} \text { for all } n \in \mathbb{N}\).
    2. \(1^{3}+2^{3}+\cdots+n^{3}=\frac{n^{2}(n+1)^{2}}{4} \text { for all } n \in \mathbb{N}\).
    3. \(1+3+\cdots+(2 n-1)=n^{2} \text { for all } n \in \mathbb{N}\).

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    Exercise \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    Prove that for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), \(9^{n}-5^{n}\) is divisible by \(4\).


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    Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    Prove that for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), \(7^{n}-1\) is divisible by \(3\)


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    Example \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    Prove the following using induction.

    1. \(2 n+1 \leq 2^{n}\) for \(n \geq 3\) (\(n \in \mathbb{N}\)).
    2. \(n^{2} \leq 3^{n}\) for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\). (Hint: show first that for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\), \(2 n \leq n^{2}+1\). This does not require induction..)
    3. \(n^{3} \leq 3^{n}\) for all \(n \in \mathbb{N}\). (Hint: Check the cases \(n=1\) and \(n=2\) directly and then use induction for \(n \geq 3\).)


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    Exercise \(\PageIndex{5}\)

    Given a real number \(a \neq 1\), prove that

    \[1+a+a^{2}+\cdots+a^{n}=\frac{1-a^{n+1}}{1-a} \text { for all } n \in \mathbb{N}.\]


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    Exercise \(\PageIndex{6}\)

    The Fibonacci sequence is defined by

    \[a_{1}=a_{2}=1 \text { and } a_{n+2}=a_{n+1}+a_{n} \text { for } n \geq 1.\]




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    Exercise \(\PageIndex{7}\)

    Let \(a \geq-1\). Prove by induction that

    \[(1+a)^{n} \geq 1+n a \text { for all } n \in \mathbb{N}.\]


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    Exercise \(\PageIndex{8}\)

    Let \(a, b \in \mathbb{R}\) and \(n \in \mathbb{N}\). Use Mathematical Induction to prove the binomial theorem

    n \\
    \end{array}\right) a^{k} b^{n-k},\]

    where \(\left(\begin{array}{l}
    n \\
    \end{array}\right)=\frac{n !}{k !(n-k) !}\).


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    1.3: The Natural Numbers and Mathematical Induction (2024)


    What is the mathematical induction formula for natural numbers? ›

    By generalizing this in form of a principle which we would use to prove any mathematical statement is 'Principle of Mathematical Induction'. For example: 13 +23 + 33 + ….. +n3 = (n(n+1) / 2)2, the statement is considered here as true for all the values of natural numbers.

    What is the trick for mathematical induction? ›

    The trick used in mathematical induction is to prove the first statement in the sequence, and then prove that if any particular statement is true, then the one after it is also true. This enables us to conclude that all the statements are true.

    What is the induction rule for natural numbers? ›

    The principle of induction provides a recipe for proving that every natural number has a certain property: to show that P holds of every natural number, show that it holds of 0, and show that whenever it holds of some number n, it holds of n+1. This form of proof is called a proof by induction.

    Is induction hard math? ›

    Students find mathematical induction hard, and there is a complex interplay of reasons why.

    How to solve mathematical induction step by step? ›

    Outline for Mathematical Induction
    1. Base Step: Verify that P(a) is true.
    2. Inductive Step: Show that if P(k) is true for some integer k≥a, then P(k+1) is also true. Assume P(n) is true for an arbitrary integer, k with k≥a. ...
    3. Conclude, by the Principle of Mathematical Induction (PMI) that P(n) is true for all integers n≥a.
    Mar 11, 2020

    What is an example of mathematical induction? ›

    Mathematical Induction Examples

    Hence, 1 + 2 + 3 … … … n = [n(n+1)/2] is true for n = 5. Q. 2: Show that 1 + 3 +… +(2n-1) = n2 for n = 3.

    What is the formula for induction? ›

    This relationship, known as Faraday's law of induction (to distinguish it from his laws of electrolysis), states that the magnitude of the emf induced in a circuit is proportional to the rate of change with time t of the magnetic flux Φ that cuts across the circuit:emf = −dΦdt.

    How is induction calculated? ›

    The EMF is the induced voltage, which means that, if the resistance of the circuit is known, the induced-current can be calculated using Ohm's law, V = I R .

    What is an example of induction method in math? ›

    In my thoughts inductive reasoning is like detective work. It involves gathering specific clues and drawing general conclusions based on them. For example, when you notice that your dog wags its tail every time it hears a particular sound, you might conclude that your furry friend likes that sound.

    What grade level is mathematical induction? ›

    Usually in grade 11, students are taught to prove algebraic relationships such as equations, inequalities and divisibility properties by mathematical induction. Proof by mathematical induction is a method to prove statements that are true for every natural number.

    What is the hardest math in school? ›

    That's a great initiative you're taking to challenge yourself. Generally speaking, the most rigorous math courses in high school include Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB and BC, AP Statistics, and for some, Multivariable Calculus (which might be offered at your school or at a local college).

    What are the common errors in math induction? ›

    Common errors in proofs by induction include omitting the base case, reversing the implication, writing an inductive step that fails for certain values, and using a P(n) that isn't a predicate. Consider the following claim and its proof: Proposition 1.

    What is the inductive set of natural numbers? ›

    We denote the smallest inductive set by N and call this set the set of natural numbers. natural numbers satisfying the following two properties: (1) 0 ∈ S, (2) if n ∈ S, then so is n + 1 ∈ S. Then S = N.

    What is the formula for finding natural numbers? ›

    Sum of n natural numbers can be defined as a form of arithmetic progression where the sum of n terms are arranged in a sequence with the first term being 1, n being the number of terms along with the nth term. The sum of n natural numbers is represented as [n(n+1)]/2.

    What is the axiom of induction for natural numbers? ›

    The axiom of structural induction for the natural numbers was first formulated by Peano, who used it to specify the natural numbers together with the following four other axioms: 0 is a natural number. The successor function s of every natural number yields a natural number (s(x) = x + 1).

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