Food Combining Recipes (2024)

If you’re interested in trying Food Combining, but aren’t quite sure how to get started, I thought it might be helpful to share some properly combined recipes, clearly labeled by category, to make things easier.

Food Combining Recipes (1)

People who follow food combining have reported losing weight without counting calories, feeling less bloated, getting clearer skin, better sleep, and more. What I love about this concept, is that you don’t have to give up any foods that you love! You simply won’t eat them all at the same time, making you a little more mindful at meal time.

Food Combining for Weight Loss

I’ll be the first to admit that there is not a lot of research on food combining. However, studies have shown that humans have a tendency to overeat when we are offered a wide variety of foods during a meal.(source) So, by simplifying our meals, we may naturally eat less, without counting calories. That might be the most straight-forward reason that food combining does seem to work when it comes to weight loss.

Another study showed that food combining seemed to have the same effect as a low-calorie diet when it comes to weight loss, with both groups losing a similar amount of weight. (source) I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not count calories or worry about numbers, which is another reason why I fell in love with food combining in the first place.

How to Practice Food Combining

The general idea of food combining is that you’ll eat from only one category of foods at each meal, along with plenty of fresh, low-carb vegetables.

Food Combining Recipes (2)

The 4 main categories in food combining are Fresh Fruit, Animal Protein, Starches, and Nuts/Seeds/Dried Fruit. You can find a printable food combining chart here to help, or choose a meal from one of the categories below.

Ideally, you’ll wait 3 to 4 hours between each meal, allowing those foods to fully digest before you switch categories at your next meal. If you feel the need for a snack between, choose fresh sliced veggies, such as carrots, celery, cauliflower, or broccoli florets for an easy “neutral” option. Or, you can stick to the same category of food for two meals in a row, and snack from that category, too. (For example, you might have an Almond Butter Smoothie for breakfast, a Date Energy Ball as a mid-morning snack, and a large salad tossed with tahini dressing for lunch, which would all fall into the nut/seed/dried fruit category.)

Here are some properly combined recipes for you to try, listed by category:

Fresh Fruit:

Food Combining Recipes (3)

Because fruit digests so quickly, I usually enjoy it most at breakfast in the form of a large smoothie. You’ll notice that the recipes below are properly combined, so they don’t call for protein powder, or nut butter with the fresh fruit. (Avocado is a fruit, though, and it can help keep you full!)

  • Dragon Fruit Smoothie
  • Blueberry Detox Smoothie
  • Low-Sugar Smoothies
  • Cherry Chocolate Smoothie
  • Strawberry Mango Smoothie
  • Acai Smoothie
  • My Go-To Smoothie for Kids
  • Cherry Chocolate Avocado Pudding
  • Kale Salad with Peach Vinaigrette

Nut/Seed/Dried Fruit:

Food Combining Recipes (4)

I like to serve nuts and seeds with plenty of fresh veggies, to keep the overall meal hydrating and easier to digest. Bananas and dates typically combine well in this category, too, so feel free to see how that feels for you.

  • Date Energy Balls
  • Coffee Smoothie
  • Chocolate Chia Pudding
  • Vegan Ranch Dressing
  • Kale Caesar Salad (without the chickpeas)
  • Creamy Tahini Dressing
  • Cashew Queso (served with raw veggies)
  • Chia Pudding (topped with banana)
  • Zucchini Hummus
  • Dairy-Free Cashew Cheesecake
  • Creamy Cucumber Tahini Dressing
  • Almond Butter Freezer Fudge


Food Combining Recipes (5)

If the following options don’t feel hearty enough for a meal, keep in mind that you can serve them with bread, cooked grains, or a baked potato, if desired.

  • Zucchini Oatmeal (a great warm breakfast option!)
  • Sweet Potato Toast (topped with avocado or white bean spread)
  • Detox Salad with Lemon-Ginger Dressing
  • Sweet Potato Lasagna
  • Vegan Cheese Sauce
  • Avocado Caesar Salad
  • Vegan Chickpea Salad
  • Chipotle Black Bean Burrito Bowls
  • Vegan Sweet Potato Nachos
  • Chickpea “Egg” Salad
  • Vegan Burrito Bowls with Sweet Potato “Rice”
  • Chickpea Tikka Masala with Green Rice
  • Sweet Potato Noodle Casserole with Pumpkin Sauce
  • Easy Lentil, Sweet Potato and Coconut Curry
  • Sweet Potato Mac n’ Cheese
  • Instant Pot Quinoa Burrito Bowls
  • Mediterranean Socca Flatbread Pizza

Animal Protein:

Food Combining Recipes (6)

You can serve animal protein meals with loads of non-starchy veggies, like a side salad or some simple roasted vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, or Brussels sprouts.

  • Cauliflower Pizza Crust
  • Instant Pot Chicken Burrito Bowls
  • Pizza Stir Fry
  • Cauliflower “Steak” Pizzas
  • Crustless Quiche
  • Zucchini Pizza Boats
  • Egg Roll in a Bowl
  • Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs
  • Flourless Zucchini Pie
  • Leftover Turkey Soup
  • Instant Pot Egg Bites
  • Mexican Chicken Soup
  • Garlic Parmesan Spaghetti Squash with Chicken
  • Curried Chicken Stew

Neutral Desserts:

Food Combining Recipes (7)

If you crave something sweet after a meal, the following recipes are a nice option that shouldn’t interfere with digestion too much. In general, you don’t want to drink a lot of liquid immediately after a meal, so sip these warm beverages slowly, or you can always opt for a small piece of dark chocolate instead.

  • Healthy Hot Chocolate
  • Chai Latte
  • Instant Vegan Latte
  • Dark chocolate (70% or darker)

I hope these recipe ideas make it easier for you to give food combining a try!

Reader Feedback: Have you tried food combining? Feel free to join us for Food Combining challenge over in our private Facebook group if you’d like some extra support!

Food Combining Recipes (2024)


What foods are good to combine? ›

Common Rules of Food Combining:
  • Always eat fruit on an empty stomach.
  • Protein can be paired with non-starchy vegetables.
  • Fats can be paired with non-starchy vegetables.
  • Carbohydrates can be paired with non-starchy vegetables.
  • Always wait 3-4 hours between meals before switching categories.
Jun 30, 2020

What 2 foods should not be eaten together? ›

8 Unhealthy Food Combos to Avoid
  • Banana and milk. Banana and milk - not a good combo. ...
  • Burger and fries. It's common for people to have fries alongside burger. ...
  • Beans and cheese. Cheese is a dairy product that's rich in protein. ...
  • Pizza and soda. ...
  • Food and water/juice. ...
  • Yoghurt and fruits. ...
  • Eggs and meat. ...
  • Potato and meat.

What foods digest well together? ›

- Protein and vegetables is the best combination for easy digestion and absorption. - Fruit should be eaten on its own, with vegetables or before meals (due to the fact it is fast digesting). - Healthy fats like avocado are neutral and can be paired with most foods. - Melon should always be eaten separately.

What foods go well together? ›

From peanut butter and jelly to spaghetti and meatballs, take a look at these popular foods that taste better together.
  • 1/10. PB and J. ...
  • 2/10. Bacon and Eggs. ...
  • 3/10. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup. ...
  • 4/10. Cookies & Cream. ...
  • 5/10. Burger and Fries. ...
  • 6/10. Pasta and Cheese. ...
  • 7/10. Tomatoes and Mozzarella. ...
  • 8/10. Cinnamon and Sugar.
Apr 30, 2022

Why you shouldn't eat carbs and protein together? ›

Either way, the story goes, if you eat these foods in combination, they will “cancel each other out” and not be digested. There is simply no science to support these ideas, despite the fact that proponents of food combining (or food segregation, really) speak in terms that sound scientific.

What is the best food combination for protein? ›

Whole protein combinations suitable for vegetarian diets
  • 1/6. Almonds and lentils. Almonds have less lysine and lentils have less methionine. ...
  • 2/6. Beans with rice. ...
  • 3/6. Oatmeal and pumpkin seeds. ...
  • 4/6. Tofu and vegetables. ...
  • 5/6. Toast with peanut butter. ...
  • 6/6. ​​Quinoa and lentils​
Nov 11, 2023

What is the 2 2 2 food rule? ›

Non-profit organisation Love Food, Hate Waste recommends the 2:2:2 rule. Two hours to get them in the fridge. Two days to eat them once they're in there. Or freeze them for up to two months.

Why you shouldn't mix fruit and yogurt? ›

Digestive Sensitivity: Some individuals might also enjoy digestive pain when eating fruit and dairy together. This is because end result comprise herbal sugars (fructose), and while blended with dairy, it may ferment within the belly for a few people, main to bloating or gas.

What are two breakfast foods that go well together? ›

Five healthy breakfast combinations include:
  • An omelet with sauteed vegetables, such as red peppers, broccoli, or mushrooms.
  • Greek yogurt with berries, nuts, and seeds.
  • Steel-cut oatmeal with cut apple, cinnamon, and protein powder.
  • Whole grain toast with avocado and chili flakes or with peanut butter and banana.
Jul 10, 2023

Are there foods you can't mix? ›

It is best to avoid food combinations such as Carbs And Animal Protein, Two High Proteins, Food And Water/Juice, Fruit With Meal, Yogurt With Fruit, Cereal With Milk And Orange Juice, Banana And Milk, Beans And Cheese, Tomatoes And Pasta, Cheese And Meat, Sugar, Fat, And Salt.

Can you eat different foods together? ›

Our digestive system is designed to break down meals, and your nutrients are absorbed at different spots along your digestive tract. If you eat carbohydrates and protein together, they're not competing for absorption. Everything's going to be digested fully and absorbed along your digestive tract.

Why is food combining good? ›

Food Combining is the philosophy that separating certain macronutrients and food groups can help with digestion and assist with overall weight loss.

How do you combine foods to lose weight? ›

Here are some examples of food pairings that can help with weight loss.
  1. Apples and nut butter.
  2. Yogurt and cinnamon.
  3. Leafy greens and olive oil.
  4. Fish and garlic.
  5. Pistachios and almonds.
May 4, 2022

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.