Kagan's FREE Articles - Articles by Dr. Spencer Kagan (2024)

These are articles written by Kagan's visionary leader. Articles feature Dr. Kagan's invention, Kagan Structures. Read Dr. Spencer Kagan's provocative and insightful articles on Kagan Structures and how they have the power to transform education. You'll also find Dr. Kagan's thoughts on cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, the brain, character development, Win-Win Discipline and more.

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Featured Articles by Dr. Spencer Kagan

  • Excellence & Equity

    Educators face two challenges with academic achievement: 1) fostering academic excellence, and 2) creating equal opportunities for all students to succeed. Dr. Kagan cites studies that show cooperative learning is a powerful approach to create excellence and equity. Read Article

  • Why Call on Just One When We Can Call on Everyone?

    In which class will students learn more: The class in which one student at a time is engaged or the class in which all students are engaged? The answer seems obvious. How, then, do we change traditional classroom learning to engage all students? Dr. Kagan shares his approach that is taking education by storm. Read Article

  • Effect Size Reveals the Impact of Kagan Structures and Cooperative Learning

    Effect size is a statistical tool educational researchers use to determine the effectiveness of innovations. Do Kagan Structures work? You bet your effect size they do! Learn about effect sizes. Learn about the research on cooperative learning and Kagan Structures. Read Article

Benefits of Kagan Structures and Methods

Boosting Achievement

  • Effect Size Reveals the Impact of Kagan Structures and Cooperative Learning

    Effect size is a statistical tool educational researchers use to determine the effectiveness of innovations. Do Kagan Structures work? You bet your effect size they do! Learn about effect sizes. Learn about the research on cooperative learning and Kagan Structures. Read Article

  • Excellence & Equity

    Educators face two challenges with academic achievement: 1) fostering academic excellence, and 2) creating equal opportunities for all students to succeed. Dr. Kagan cites studies that show cooperative learning is a powerful approach to create excellence and equity. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures: Research and Rationale

    "Why adopt Kagan Structures?" In this thoughtful article, Dr. Spencer Kagan reviews how Kagan Structures respect many of the most important learning theories, produce the most highly desired educational outcomes, and are supported by hard empirical data. With so much anecdotal, theoretical, and empirical support, the question becomes, "Why not adopt Kagan Structures?" Read Article

  • Kagan Structures: Research and Rationale in a Nutshell

    Dr. Kagan provides a succinct answer to the question, "Why Kagan Structures?" Spencer cites the positive outcomes of using Kagan Structures, its strong research and theory base, and most importantly — the positive transformation that students and teachers experience by using Kagan Structures. Read Article

  • A Dozen Tools to Foster Growth Mindset and Prevent Learned Helplessness

    Dr. Kagan makes an insightful connection between the relatively new Growth Mindset theory and the classic Learned Helplessness theory. He moves from theory to offer practical tools teachers can use to help students foster a growth mindset and avoid slipping into helplessness. Read Article

  • Structures for Standards

    Dr. Spencer Kagan outlines the Kagan approach to surpassing the standards. This provocative article begins with an exploration of the powerful visions of the curriculum reform movement. Of special interest here is the identification of eight themes common to the Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies standards. The next section outlines some perplexing problems with the current standards movement including standardized testing and pressure on teachers and administrators. And the final section describes the Kagan solution: The use of structures to reach the standards. Dr. Kagan analyzes standards, making a distinction among three content objectives: content of the discipline, skills of the discipline, and life skills. He argues that the use of structures empowers teachers to obtain the best of curriculum reform while fostering essential life skills for the twenty-first century. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures Elevate High School Achievement

    Dr. Kagan responds to a high school teacher's misconception that, "My students are too old for this." Scientific research studies, student surveys, and teacher action research all confirm that Kagan Structures not only work with secondary students—they work very well! Read Article

Escalating Engagement

  • Kagan Structures: A Miracle of Active Engagement

    Use Kagan Structures to increase student engagement and language learning. Six favorite structures are presented for teaching English as a second language or for teaching any foreign language. Read Article

  • Why Call on Just One When We Can Call on Everyone?

    In which class will students learn more: The class in which one student at a time is engaged or the class in which all students are engaged? The answer seems obvious. How, then, do we change traditional classroom learning to engage all students? Dr. Kagan shares his approach that is taking education by storm. Read Article

  • Structures Optimize Engagement

    Active engagement in the classroom is critical to student learning. There are ways to increase active engagement. Then there are ways OPTIMIZE engagement. Structures optimize active engagement. Find out how. Read Article

  • Total Engagement Made Easy

    Listen as Dr. Kagan explains why brains learn best when they are engaged. Dr. Kagan explains why our brains open up to learning when there is the safety of working in a group. He also shares how having oxygenated blood nourishing the brain helps us to learn better and how emotion and verbalization is a signal to the brain to remember things. Read Article

  • Disengagement: Achievement Gaps, Discipline, and Dropout - Treating the Disease, Not Just the Symptoms

    What do the academic achievement gap, discipline problems, and school dropout all have in common? Dr. Kagan argues that some of the greatest problems education faces are symptoms of a larger disease—disengagement. Simply stated, traditional instructional delivery systems fail to engage all students. Students slip through the cracks and fall behind more academically, become disciplinary problems, and dropout of the system altogether. Can engaging students really make the difference and prevent these pressing educational issues? Read Article

  • The Myth of Multitasking

    The ability to multitask well isn't supported by brain science. Learn the problems of multitasking and how you can put these important brain findings to work for you to create greater focus for your students. Read Article

  • The Problem Is Not the Cell Phone

    Students texting and goofing with their cell phones in class is annoying. But the cell phone is not the problem. The problem is the lack of highly-engaging teaching strategies. See how we can productively fulfill students' need for social interaction. Read Article

Decreasing Disruptive Behaviors

  • What is Win-Win Discipline?

    For several years, Kagan has been offering professional development on Win-Win Discipline. Win-Win Discipline was honored by being selected as one of the pre-eminent discipline programs and is featured in THE book on major educational discipline programs, Building Classroom Discipline. We continue to receive more and more requests for info about Win-Win Discipline. So here you go! Dr. Spencer Kagan outlines Kagan's discipline program and how it interfaces with Kagan's other programs. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures Decrease Disruptive Behavior

    Kagan Structures were never specifically designed as discipline strategies. However, data shows a dramatic a reduction of classroom discipline problems and an increase in positive behaviors are byproducts of implementing Kagan. In this article, Dr. Kagan reviews impressive discipline data from schools implementing Kagan. He provides five interrelated explanations for this phenomena. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that an approach that is based on cooperation is resulting in kinder, more cooperative students. Read Article

Improving Thinking Skills

  • Kagan Structures for Thinking Skills

    Wondering how to prepare today's students for tomorrow's adult world? The rate at which new idea and information increases is so much faster than anyone could study or learn it all. Our only practical approach is to help students develop more and different thinking skills, explains Dr. Kagan. We must prepare students to apply a wide range of thinking skills. By embedding these skills into our instruction, students will learn how to deal with new information without our needing to change our curriculum day after day. Read Article

  • Rethinking Thinking - Does Bloom's Taxonomy Align with Brain Science?

    Bloom's Taxonomy is virtually synonymous with our thinking about and teaching of thinking skills. Although it has been a terrific advancement in our thinking and a practical tool for teachers, in three important ways Bloom's Taxonomy does not align well with recent findings of brain science. Is it time for the educational community to rethink thinking? Read Article

Promoting Language Acquisition: ESL

  • Cooperative Learning Helps English Language Learners (ELLs) Succeed

    Cooperative learning is a powerful teaching tool for helping students acquire English. Dr. Kagan describes how cooperative learning positively impacts three critical variables for language learning: Comprehensible Input, Frequency of Practice, and Social Support. If you're looking for a way to promote English language learning, read this article and watch the six-minute companion video. Read Article

  • ESL Magazine: Kagan Structures for English Language Learners

    Kagan Structures are easy-to-use, easy-to-learn instructional strategies that promote English language learning. This article for ESL Magazine describes why Kagan Structures are so effective for learning a second language and provides some special adaptations for students at different levels of language development. Read Article

  • Kagan Cooperative Structures Promote Language Acquisition

    Simple Kagan Structures dramatically increase language acquisition. Dr. Kagan compares structures to traditional instruction and group work to illustrate what a positive impact structures have on language learning. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures for English Language Learners

    Teaching students with varying levels of English fluency can be challenging. Kagan Structures offer educators a powerful approach to enhance language proficiency. Dr. Kagan illustrates why ESL students often fall through the cracks using traditional approaches and how Kagan Structures are designed to increase language learning though active engagement. Read Article

  • We Can Talk: Cooperative Learning in the Elementary ESL Classroom

    Language acquisition is determined by a complex interaction of a number of critical input, output, and context variables. An examination of these critical variables reveals cooperative learning has a dramatic positive impact on almost all of the variables critical to language acquisition. Read Article

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence

  • Kagan Structures for Emotional Intelligence

    Dr. Kagan concurs with Daniel Goleman's assertion that, emotional literacy may be promoted more by how lessons are taught than by devoting class time to explicit lessons on emotional literacy! Spencer describes how Kagan Structures deliver an embedded EQ curriculum, so you can develop your students' emotional intelligence without teaching EQ lessons. By using Kagan Structures, while students are learning the core curriculum, they simultaneously develop self-knowledge, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and relationship skills — all five core dimensions of EQ. Read Article

  • Emotion-Friendly Teaching: A Peek Preview

    Get a sneak peek at Dr. Kagan’s new book: Emotion-Friendly Teaching. The basic premise of the book is teachers can be much more effective educators by leveraging the power of student emotions. Teachers can improve thinking and learning by eliciting positive emotions. Teachers can help students understand and better manage their own emotional states. Teachers can make the content more memorable by evoking emotion as they teach. Let Dr. Kagan introduce you to what it means to be an emotion-friendly teacher. Read Article

Fostering Character Virtues

  • The Structural Approach to Character Development

    Dr. Spencer Kagan shares the Kagan structural approach to developing character. He argues that the need for character education is clear because the virtues we could once assume are eroding. He then identifies two approaches to developing character: the curriculum approach and the structural approach and highlights the advantages of the structural approach. Read Article

  • What Is Worth Teaching?

    At a time when there is so much pressure to boost test scores, Dr. Kagan asks us to take pause and reflect on the simple question: What is worth teaching? Spencer concludes that the greatest gift we can give our students is to ignite in them five fires. Read Article

Cultivating Life Skills

  • Addressing the Life Skills Crisis

    We face a life skills crisis. In a time when the demand for life skills is up, students are lacking the basic life skills — social skills, emotional skills, personal organizational and planning skills, and citizenship skills — we once took for granted. In this article, Dr. Kagan outlines the crisis. But he does not stop there. He describes numerous educational frameworks that alone or in tandem can address the alarming trend of the erosion of character and emotional intelligence. Dr. Kagan forwards an original organizational system helpful for educators to analyze and evaluate various life skills frameworks and curricula. Read Article

Violence Prevention

  • Cooperative Learning Structures Are Violence Prevention

    n this provocative article, Dr. Kagan argues that school violence—from the horrific tragedies to the daily bullying—can be prevented. By having students work cooperatively, students create strong friendships with many classmates. Violence, bullying, and racism all decrease in a more friendly learning environment. Read Article

Improving Race Relations

  • Cooperative Learning: The Power to Transform Race Relations

    Cooperative Learning, when it includes heterogeneous teams and teambuilding, is the single most powerful tool this nation has for improving race relations. Dr. Spencer Kagan examines the evidence behind his conclusion. Read Article

Brain-Friendly Teaching

  • Kagan Structures are Brain-Based

    Brain-based learning is a relatively new movement in education focusing on aligning our teaching to how our students' brains learn best. In this article, Dr. Spencer Kagan describes seven educational principles derived from brain science and illustrates how the Kagan structures respect these principles. A helpful article to familiarize yourself with some of the main principles of brain-based learning. Also validating to know that if you're using Kagan structures, whether you know it or not, you're doing brain-based learning. Read Article

  • Silly Sports and Goofy Games - The Tenth Reason to Play: Brain-Friendly Instruction

    You and your students love those interactive class energizers because they're fun. Because they improve the class tone and student relations. It turns out, Silly Sports and Goofy Games are not so silly or goofy after all! Spencer shares strong support from brain science to add play to the classroom. Read Article

  • Breakouts To Energize Brains and Boost Achievement

    Breakouts are strategies to regroup students, preparing them to interact with classmates who are not part of their base team. Dr. Kagan examines structures for breakouts, when to use them, and why they align how we teach with how brains best function. Read Article

Engaging and Developing Multiple Intelligences

  • Multiple Intelligences Structures - Opening Doors to Learning

    If we believe that students are different and learn in different ways, we have the power to reach more students by teaching in different ways. We open the doors to learning by matching our instruction to how students best learn. Here, the Kagans share the theory of Multiple Intelligences, the three MI Visions, and a few MI Structures to open the doors to learning. Read Article

  • Cooperative Learning and Multiple Intelligences: What are the Connections?

    For many years, Kagan has focused on providing teachers with the training and resources to make successful cooperative learning a reality in their classrooms. Recently, Kagan has dedicated a great deal of energy to the successful implementation of multiple intelligences. Why? Read Article

  • Kinesthetic Symbols: Harnessing the Power of Gesturing

    In his research on brain-based learning, Dr. Kagan uncovered a wealth of studies on the powerful impact of using hand and body signals for teaching and learning. See how gesturing improves understanding and retention and learn ways you can incorporate Kinesthetic Symbols into your classroom to boost learning. Read Article

  • Raising Smarter Children - Creating an Enriched Learning Environment

    In this second installment on Raising Smarter Children, the Kagan's link brain research on enriched environments and multiple intelligences theory. The premise of the article is simple: we can enrich the learning environment to make children smarter in many different ways. Although directed to early learning in the home, this article has implications for all teachers of young children. Read Article

  • Raising Smarter Children - Develop Your Child's Many Ways of Being Smart

    What parent doesn't dream of having smarter children? This article outlines what it means to be smart and provides activities and ideas for making that dream a reality. A terrific parent's intro to multiple intelligences. Equally applicable for home-schoolers, teachers who are parents, and any teacher wishing to promote a multi-smart education. This article is first in a series on raising smarter children. Read Article

  • Trialogue: Brain Localization of Intelligences

    If you're fascinated by multiple intelligences theory and brain-based learning, you're in for a treat! This article is a three-way dialogue (a "trialogue") between Spencer Kagan, Howard Gardner, and Robert Sylwester — Three of the leading minds in education. Dr. Kagan questions whether "brain localization" is still valid as the foremost criterion for declaring candidate intelligence an "intelligence" in light of recent brain imaging research. Dr. Sylwester shares his insights. What emerges is an unresolved constructive controversy. Read Article

  • Can Intelligences be Located?

    Can Intelligences be Located? Read Article

Kagan Theory and Philosophy

  • Dr. Spencer Kagan's Interview for Humana Editorial, Brazil

    With the launch of Kagan Brazil, Dr. Spencer Kagan is interviewed by an educational journal in Brazil. Dr. Kagan shares some basic information about cooperative learning for teachers new to this approach to teaching as well as his vision for cooperative learning. Read Article

  • From Lessons to Structures - A Paradigm Shift for 21st Century Education

    Our education system needs a paradigm shift. According to Dr. Kagan, the lesson — that artifact from 20th Century education — simply won't meet today's challenges. There aren't enough hours in the school day or year to squeeze in enough lessons for students to come away from schooling with the academic, personal, social, and cognitive objectives we value. The solution: A paradigm shift — from lessons to structures. Read Article

  • Group Grades Are Pointless

    Dr. Spencer Kagan argues in this article that using group grades with cooperative learning is pointless. He argues that group grades are unfair, debase report cards, undermine motivation, communicate to students that their grade is a function of forces beyond their control, violate individual accountability, create resistance to cooperative learning, and are or should be illegal. A provocative article that explores nature of grading and our mission as educators. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures - Not One More Program, a Better Way to Teach Any Program

    At the heart of Kagan's professional development and publications are Kagan structures. In this article, Dr. Spencer Kagan defines Kagan structures. He maintains that Kagan structures are not an alternative to cooperative learning, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, character development, and higher-level thinking. They are a better way to implement the visions of these programs. Spencer outlines the positive outcomes students, teachers, trainers, and schools reap when using Kagan structures. Read Article

  • The Embedded Curriculum

    As educators, we know there's a clear-cut distinction between curriculum and instruction. Curriculum is what we teach. Instruction is how we teach. Right? Wrong! Hidden in our instruction is an embedded curriculum. And oftentimes the embedded curriculum is even more important than our explicit curriculum. Read Article

  • The Instructional Revolution

    As the world turned around them, schools did not. At least they did not change in the most important way they needed to change—how teachers teach. We are now on the verge of an instructional revolution. In this article, Dr. Spencer Kagan gives us a glimpse into the future of instruction. Read Article

  • Going With - A Common Denominator of Successful Educational Programs

    Each student is unique. That simple realization holds tremendous implications for how we teach. If we celebrate diversity and behold individual differences, we will be much more effective educators than trying to make students conform to a uniform ideal. Instead of bucking students' innate differences and unique needs, Kagan has created a powerful range of educational programs bound together by a common thread — respect for the individuality of each student who enters the classroom. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures and Learning Together: What is the Difference?

    Cooperative learning is cooperative learning, right? Wrong! Dr. Spencer Kagan elucidates the difference between the Kagan model and the Johnsons' Learning Together. Although there are many areas of convergence, there are some major areas of divergence. Learn about the difference. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures Enhance Student Motivation

    Research has established that cooperative learning increases student achievement. But why? In this article, Dr. Kagan offers an overlooked explanation: students are more motivated. Dr. Kagan reviews seven powerful motivational forces that are released when students engage in Kagan Structures. Read Article

  • Kagan Connections—The Rigor/Relevance Framework

    Whether you've heard the educational buzzwords, "Rigor and Relevance" and want to learn what it is or are implementing this framework as a school and want to know where Kagan fits in—this article is for you. The article recommends Kagan Structures to make learning more rigorous and more relevant for students. Read Article

  • Cooperative Learning: Seventeen Pros and Seventeen Cons Plus Ten Tips for Success

    What are the benefits of using cooperative learning? What are the potential pitfalls? How can you avoid those pitfalls while reaping the benefits of cooperative learning? In this admittedly biased, yet somewhat symmetrical article, Dr. Kagan explores the pros and cons of cooperative learning and provides ten quick tips for success. Read Article

  • Is Cooperation Evil?

    We have mass cooperation to thank for pernicious movements throughout history including the Cultural Revolution in China and Hitler's Nazism. So cooperation is evil, right? Dr. Kagan, of course, disagrees. He shares his reactions to a satirical article on the ill uses of cooperation. Read Article

  • An Interview with Dr. Spencer Kagan

    Dr. Spencer Kagan is interviewed by Education Views senior columnist. Spencer answers questions about himself, the Kagan program, and some specific Kagan Structures. Read Article

  • An Interview with Spencer

    Dr. Spencer Kagan is interviewed by Mary Toothman regarding Kagan Structures and his work with a model Kagan school. Read Article

  • Teach Less, Learn More

    Kagan has been working closely with Singapore educators for nearly a decade. Singapore has topped the international charts for academic achievement. Now, they are leading educators with an inspiring new vision called "Teach Less, Learn More." The vision has us reexamine why we teach, what we teach, and how we teach. Central to the vision is the notion that by teaching less and allowing students to interact more, students enjoy learning more and better internalize the curriculum. Dr. Kagan describes how the philosophy aligns with Kagan Structures and illustrates how structures can be used to implement this powerful vision for educators. Read Article

  • Tellin’ Ain’t Teachin’

    Mark Twain said, "If teaching were the same as telling, we'd all be so smart we could hardly stand it." Dr. Kagan shows how frequent processing converts telling into effective teaching. Read Article

Kagan Methods


  • A Brief History of Kagan Structures

    There is one thing that sets Kagan Publishing & Professional Development apart from all other educational publishing and professional development companies — Kagan Structures. Kagan Structures are at the heart of Kagan's books and products. Spencer shares his personal account of the history of Kagan Structures, what's coming up for Kagan in the near future, and his long-term vision. Read Article

  • Cooperative Learning Structures

    How we structure the interaction among our students impacts dramatically on achievement and acquisition of social skills. Dr. Kagan shares how Kagan Structures create frequent and equal participation among students, resulting in more engagement and more learning for more students. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures Simply Put

    In this Q & A, Dr. Spencer Kagan introduces us to Kagan Structures. Both the questions and answers are written in plain language, clarifying the essence of the Kagan approach in a easy-to-read and easy-to-understand format. Read Article

Basic Principles

  • Positive Interdependence

    Positive Interdependence, the "P" of PIES, is one of the basic principles of Kagan Cooperative Learning. It is a critical component to successful cooperative learning. Yet it is a concept that is not fully comprehended by many. In this article, Dr. Kagan sheds some light on Positive Interdependence. Through easy-to-understand examples, you'll become fluent with the term and more capable of putting the power of positive interdependence to work in your classroom. Read Article

  • Kagan Structures Enhance Brain Engagement!

    Teachers using the Kagan Structures consistently report that their students are more engaged. This is no surprise. Kagan Structures are carefully designed to implement the four basic principles of cooperative learning: positive interdependence, individual accountability, equal participation, and simultaneous interaction (PIES). Each of these principles boosts engagement in different ways, ensuring, for example, participation from students who might otherwise hide and ensuring that at any one moment a greater number of students are actively engaged. Read Article

  • The "E" of PIES

    Equal Participation is the "E" of PIES. When we put students in groups and tell them simply, "Work together," we violate Equal Participation — one of the most vital principles to creating successful of cooperative learning. One student may do all or most of the work. And another may be perfectly content to let her. Learn how to avoid hitchhikers and freeloaders. Ensure success for ALL students. Read Article

  • The “P” and “I” of PIES: Powerful Principles for Success

    Dr. Kagan shares insights to positive interdependence and individual accountability— two powerful cooperative learning principles. Learn how to maximize student learning by providing the right amount of pressure to perform coupled with peer support. Read Article

  • There Is No "I" In Team - Or Is There?

    Make sure there is an "I" in your classroom teams. That "I" stands for Individual Accountability. Individual Accountability is one of the basic principles of Kagan Cooperative Learning that distinguishes effective cooperative learning from less effective teaching alternatives. Without the "I" in teams, there is no mechanism to ensure that every student is participating and learning. Read Article

  • The Two Dimensions of Positive Interdependence

    Put the power of positive interdependence to work for you in your classroom. Dr. Kagan gives us an in-depth understanding of this basic principle of cooperative learning. He shares the two dimensions of positive interdependence and offers suggestions to create greater interdependence in the classroom. If you use any type of teamwork in the classroom, you will find some great insights to making teamwork work better. Read Article


  • 10 Reasons to Use Heterogeneous Teams

    Why do we advocate mixed teams rather than random teams or hom*ogeneous teams? Here are 10 reasons why your base teams should reflect the diversity you have in your classroom. Read Article

  • Teams of Four Are Magic!

    How many students should there be on a cooperative learning team? Two? Three? Four? Five? Six or more? As the title suggests, Kagan advocates teams of four. Teams of four are magic. See why. Read Article


  • Pairs vs Teams

    What’s better, to have students work in teams or work in pairs? The answer is: It depends! Like the Necker Cube optical illusion that flips back and forth depending on how you look at it, the same is true for the advantages of teamwork and pair work. Both have their advantages and there is a time and place for each. Read Article

  • The Power of Pair Work

    Pair work is the simplest form of cooperative learning. It offers big advantages over having students work exclusively alone. It even offers some benefits over team work. Dr. Kagan shares the difference between three different types of pair structures. He describes a number of pair structures you can use to boost students' interpersonal skills and learning. Read Article

Praise & Celebration

  • In Praise of Praise

    Does praise erode intrinsic motivation like rewards? Do we help or hurt our students with high-fives, pats on the back, and compliments? As you may have guessed from the title, Spencer lauds the positive effects of praise. Highlighting relevant research, Dr. Kagan provides insight to why praise helps students while rewards can hurt. Read Article

  • Spencer Kagan on Cheers, Celebration and Praise

    The Kagan classroom is rich with cheers, celebrations, and praise. But what's the difference? Dr. Kagan distinguishes between these ways to elicit positive emotions in the classroom and offers insights about timing. Read Article

  • The Power of Praise

    In his research on brain science, Dr. Kagan discovered a vast array of studies touting the importance of praise. Praise enhances performance and memory. But watch out for the two praise pitfalls. Get expert advice on when to praise and how to praise in your classroom. Read Article

Teacher Training, Coaching, Relationship Building

  • Kagan Coaching

    Kagan Coaching™ is Kagan's radically different approach to coaching teachers. Instead of observing a lesson, then providing feedback afterwards, Kagan provides coaching "in real time." That is, the coach offers teaching suggestions and improvements while the teacher is teaching. Students get the benefit of doing the lesson right, but most importantly the teacher not only hears how his or her teaching could be improved, but witnesses firsthand the dramatic difference that in-the-moment Kagan Coaching makes. Read about the Kagan Coaching™ difference. Read Article

  • Overcoming Resistance to Kagan Structures for Engagement

    Change can be great, but it can also be daunting. Change sometimes breeds fear. And that fear is oftentimes unfounded. Dr. Kagan responds to fears such as: "I fear students will get off task." "I fear this is not appropriate for my students." "I fear it'll be too hard." Whether you or someone you know is afraid to take the leap, we encourage you to read Dr. Kagan's responses. Hopefully, this article will help tip the scales toward making the change—it's worth it! Read Article

  • Cooperative Meetings: Transforming Teachers and Schools

    Dr. Kagan applies his successful, cooperative classroom approach to faculty meetings. Like classrooms, meetings that lack interaction, active participation by its members, a sense of belonging and control lead predictably to disengagement, frustration, and alienation. Dr. Kagan outlines a new, cooperative model for school meetings that empowers rather than alienates. The result is a shared vision and cooperative community of leaders and learners. Spencer introduces a new resource he and his associates created to help other leaders transform their meetings and their schools. Read Article

Kagan's FREE Articles - Articles by Dr. Spencer Kagan (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.