What Are The Examples Of Personal Biases (2024)

Examples of personal biases help us identify situations in our daily lives that we tend to overlook. Personal bias refers to learned beliefs, opinions, or attitudes that people are unaware of and often reinforce stereotypes. These personal biases are unintentional, automatic, and inbuilt, leading to incorrect judgments.

Personal bias: An overview

Developing a diverse workplace should be an absolute preference, but more exposure to personal bias comes with a diverse organizational culture. These biases have a substantial influence on our beliefs and conduct. They impact the workplace hiring process, and influence significant business decisions.

Furthermore, even when these personal biases are prevalent, you can mitigate them with purposeful effort and attention. In addition, being aware of and understanding the different forms of personal prejudices that exist will assist you in determining and fighting them.

Examples of personal bias

Here are some of the top examples of personal biases prevalent in every workplace:

  • Gender Bias

Gender bias is one of the topmost examples of personal prejudice, which is far more prevalent than you think. When specific characteristics (such as power or confidence) are seen adversely by one gender but positively by the other gender, this bias occurs. Negative gender bias often prefers women, making female workers feel disengaged and undervalued in the organization. In addition, workplaces affected by gender bias risk missing out on numerous opportunities.

Furthermore, one of the prevalent personal bias examples in the gender prejudice context is "Bropropriating". It occurs when a female team offers a suggestion that goes unnoticed and when a male member makes the same suggestion, everyone agrees. This prejudice might cause female workers to remain reluctant to voice their ideas, which can be bothersome and demotivating.

  • Ageism

When individuals get the work according to their age, age prejudice occurs. An instance would be a tech-heavy task, where personal bias can lead a supervisor to think that a younger employee would be better suited to the assignment than an elder one.

In addition, assuming a person's expertise or ability is exclusively based on an idea that never remains backed by facts is an ideal example of personal bias. After all, numerous older people are digitally capable, so thinking they wouldn't be right for the position would be unjust.

  • The Halo or Horn effect

Another typical example of personal bias in a workplace is the halo or horn effect. This prejudice occurs when people use one characteristic or event to generalize someone's performance or personality. The halo effect happens when positive quality is present, while the horn effect ensues when an unfavorable feature is present. It can damage a company's reputation and efficiency by providing employees partial feedback.

  • Name Bias

When it comes to choosing applicants for a job interview, this type of personal bias comes up often. Supervisors can remain prejudiced when reading names they feel "foreign" despite their best discretions. However, this is still a prevalent issue as it can subdue diversity and stop many eligible candidates from being interviewed.

  • Similarity Bias

Similar prejudice occurs when we choose to work with individuals like us. It might comprise persons who have graduated from the same educational institutions, employees who have worked for specific businesses, and so forth. Companies influenced by the similarity prejudice risk a lack of diversity in their views and attitudes, leading to less problem-solving aptitudes.

  • Affinity Bias

The inclination to favor people who share identical backgrounds, interests, and expertise is known as affinity bias. Individuals who are similar to us make us feel more comfortable. Nevertheless, this personal bias could influence hiring decisions. For instance, a hiring manager may employ a job candidate because they went to the same university.

  • Contract Effect

People often make judgments based on comparisons. As a result, depending on what criterion they compare things, their opinions may remain skewed, known as contrast bias. Positive contrast bias can occur when something is more convenient than usual because people compare it to worse.

For example, a team member is happy to earn a "fulfills expectations" remark on their performance appraisal. Nevertheless, they start to feel uncertain after learning that most of their colleagues obtained "outperforms expectations" ratings on their performance reviews.

  • Confirmation bias

Confirmation bias is yet another example of personal bias where people remain inclined to seek out and employ information that demonstrates one's beliefs and anticipations. In other terms, cherry-picking data to prove specific points and impact a person's capacity to think logically and objectively. In addition, it can point to incoherent understandings of data and ignoring information with conflicting opinions.

For instance, a product designer proposes a product vision for the athletic market. Even when the market research indicates slight interest in the product, they try to prove the vision by reaching out to athlete friends who can back the idea.

  • Status quo bias

This personal prejudice depicts a person's preference for the way something is or for something to stay as it is, indicating a resistance to change. Also, even when this status quo prejudice is a safe option and requires less effort, an organization becomes stagnant.

As the industry landscape continues to move, change is essential for company longevity and innovation. An instance of the status quo prejudice in a business is continuing to employ team members from a similar demographic level, not attempting to drive ahead with diversity goals.

  • Overconfidence bias

Overconfidence prejudice is the propensity for individuals to believe they are better at some capabilities and skills than they truly are in reality. This inaccurate review of aptitude levels, arising from an illusion of understanding or authority, can lead people to make rash decisions.

For example, an overconfident business leader determines to acquire a company they see increased potential in and feel will get high earnings even though their performance exhibits otherwise. Past success or achievements may lead to an overblown ego. While leading with conviction is a good thing, you must never allow it to get in the path of rational thinking and decision-making.

  • Perception bias

Perception discrimination happens when people judge or treat other people based on usually incorrect and excessively simplistic assumptions regarding the other community group. It may concern other prejudices such as age, gender, and appearance.

This kind of discrimination may result in an overall decline of a business's diversity objectives and social exclusion.

The bottom line

While it is impossible to eradicate personal biases in a person entirely, awareness and training can assist in overcoming these personal unconscious biases. In addition, the most suitable way to reduce the adverse impact of personal prejudice is exposure to individuals who are distinct from us. Furthermore, increased one-on-one communications and working towards the same goal can also help people break the stereotype and welcome people from every walk of life.

Apart from that, companies can provide their employees with an opportunity to work at cross-functional levels to earn exposure to diverse viewpoints and roles. As hiring supervisors present the most risk from working on their prejudices, offer them a chance to promote cross-functional communities to overcome their biases.

Finally, we can say that personal prejudice offers numerous risks to a company. Therefore, taking measures to overcome its consequences can assist you in improving diversity and creating more accurate hiring approaches — resulting in a more adaptable organization where it's easier for innovation to succeed.

What Are The Examples Of Personal Biases (2024)


What is an example of a personal bias? ›

In addition, assuming a person's expertise or ability is exclusively based on an idea that never remains backed by facts is an ideal example of personal bias. After all, numerous older people are digitally capable, so thinking they wouldn't be right for the position would be unjust.

What is an example of bias in real life? ›

  • People typically equate bias with negative feelings toward something. ...
  • I like baked potatoes better than mashed - I have a potato bias.
  • I think Chevy is better than Ford - I have pickup truck bias.
  • I prefer reading a book to watching television - I have entertainment bias.
  • This list could go on forever!
Apr 18, 2017

What is an example of bias toward someone? ›

Examples of Bias in Behavior

If they're biased toward women, they might hire only women because they feel they make better employees for some gender-related reason. Conversely, if they're biased against women, they might hire a man over a more-qualified female candidate.

What is an example of personal bias in education? ›

Teachers also show educational bias in gender roles by allowing more boisterous behaviors from boys than girls or expecting girls to turn in homework more consistently. Teachers also often praise and criticize boys differently than girls, saying 'Good job' to a male student and 'You can do better' to a female.

How do you recognize personal bias? ›

Here are some tips:
  1. Be conscious of and question your decisions. Self-reflection is key to adjusting your perspective and being mindful. ...
  2. Educate yourself. ...
  3. Communicate about it and create systems to reduce it. ...
  4. Increase your exposure.

What is personal liking bias? ›

The liking bias refers to the cognitive bias where people are more likely to agree with, believe, or favor individuals whom they like.

What are 3 bias sentence examples? ›

How to Use bias in a Sentence
  • Do they have a bias against women?
  • The company was accused of racial bias.
  • The decision was made without bias.
  • She showed no bias toward older clients.
  • He showed a bias toward a few workers in particular.
  • Avoid the present bias and think about the long-term effect.
Mar 27, 2024

What are the three main types of bias? ›

Three types of bias can be distinguished: information bias, selection bias, and confounding. These three types of bias and their potential solutions are discussed using various examples.

What are five examples of ways that bias can show itself at work? ›

When your employees and managers have unconscious biases, it can lead to:
  • Unfair assumptions.
  • Preferential treatment.
  • Discrimination.
  • Harassment and bullying.
  • Exclusionary behavior.

What is an example of my side bias? ›

It occurs when people search for, interpret, and recall information that confirms their opinions, and refute opinions different from their own—such as selecting news sources that agree with one's political affiliation, while ignoring any opposing arguments from other sources.

Can you give me an example of you showing bias for action? ›

Good examples of Bias for Action include: Making decisions with less than 100% certainty about the outcome. Launching new products before all the bugs are worked out, or launching pilot projects to test ideas before making company-wide changes. Asking questions rather than assuming you know everything you need.

What are the five unconscious biases? ›

5 Types of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
  • Affinity Bias. Affinity bias leads us to favor people who we feel we have a connection or similarity to. ...
  • Halo Effect. ...
  • Horns Effect. ...
  • Attribution Bias. ...
  • Confirmation Bias.
Jun 11, 2018

What is an example of personal bias in nursing? ›

Health care implicit bias can manifest in many ways. For example, nurses may unconsciously give preferential care to patients who share the same racial or ethnic background. Or, nurses may be less likely to provide quality care to patients who do not share cultural similarities.

What is an example of bias in mental health? ›

  • People with mental illness or substance use disorder being made to feel “less than” (deprioritized, undertreated, receiving no empathy).
  • Inequitable investment in mental health services and underfunding of mental health research compared to those of physical health services and research.

How does personal bias affect thinking? ›

For instance, people tend to overestimate the accuracy of their judgments (overconfidence bias), to perceive events as being more predictable once they have occurred (hindsight bias), or to seek and interpret evidence in ways that are partial to existing beliefs and expectations (confirmation bias).

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.