What Is Field Hockey? The Beginner's Guide (2024)

Field hockey is a thrilling, fast-paced sport that has been played for thousands of years. If you’re new to the sport, it can be intimidating to get started, but fear not! This beginner’s guide to field hockey will give you all the information you need to get started and become a pro in no time.

At its core, field hockey is a game that is played with two teams of eleven players each, who use sticks to hit a ball into their opponent’s goal. It may sound simple, but there are many rules, strategies, and techniques that you need to understand before you can play at a competitive level.

In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of field hockey, including the rules of the game, the equipment you need to get started, and the different techniques and strategies that you can use to master the game. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a newcomer to the world of sports, this guide is the perfect place to start your journey into the exciting world of field hockey.

So, whether you’re looking to improve your skills or just looking for a fun new sport to try, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about field hockey!

Table of Contents

Field Hockey Rules: Understanding the Basics

If you’re new to field hockey, it’s essential to understand the basic rules of the game. The objective is simple: two teams of 11 players each compete to score goals by hitting a small, hard ball into the opposing team’s net using a stick. Players are not allowed to use their feet or other parts of their body to control the ball, and only the flat side of the stick is permitted for use.

One of the most critical rules in field hockey is regarding fouls. Fouls can be committed for various reasons, such as dangerous plays or intentionally obstructing the other team. If a player commits a foul, the opposing team will receive a free hit, which means they get to take an uncontested hit from the spot of the foul.

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Another essential rule is the offside rule. In field hockey, an offside occurs when a player of the attacking team is in the attacking half of the field, and the ball is played to them from their defensive half. The player must have been behind the ball or in line with it when it was played. If a player is found offside, the other team gets possession of the ball.

The Objective of the Game: How to Score

  1. Field Hockey is played between two teams of eleven players each, with the objective of scoring goals by hitting the ball into the opponent’s goal post.

  2. To score a goal, the ball must pass completely over the goal line between the goalposts and under the crossbar. The ball can be hit with the stick, but not with any other body part.

  3. Scoring in Field Hockey is similar to soccer, where one goal is awarded for each successful attempt. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins.

  4. If the ball hits a player’s foot, the other team is awarded a free hit, which is taken from where the foul occurred. If the foul occurs inside the striking circle, the other team is awarded a penalty corner.

  5. Field Hockey is a fast-paced, exciting sport that requires teamwork, skill, and strategy to score and win. Knowing the rules and objective of the game is essential to becoming a successful player.

Understanding the objective of the game and how to score is just the beginning of learning about Field Hockey. Keep reading to learn about the equipment you need to get started, the different techniques used in the game, and the different positions players can take on the field.

Players, Positions, and Substitutions

Field hockey is played with two teams of 11 players, including a goalkeeper, each with specific positions. The goalkeeper is the only player who can use their feet, hands, and body to stop the ball from entering the goal. Defenders are responsible for protecting the goal, while midfielders link the defense and attack, and attackers are responsible for scoring goals.

Each team can make substitutions during the game, but it must follow the substitution rules. Substitutions can only be made when the ball is out of play, during penalty corners, or when a player is injured. The substitute must enter the field from the halfway line, and the player they are replacing must leave the field before the substitution is made.

Field hockey is a highly tactical game, and players need to understand their roles on the field. Players must work together as a team to achieve success, and understanding each other’s strengths and weaknesses is crucial to success.

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Field Hockey Equipment: What You Need to Get Started

Field hockey requires specific equipment to ensure the safety of players and to allow them to perform at their best. Here are the essential pieces of equipment you’ll need to get started:

Stick: The stick is the most important piece of equipment for any field hockey player. It typically measures between 28 and 38 inches in length and has a curved end for better ball control.

Ball: Field hockey balls are made of hard plastic and weigh between 5.5 and 5.75 ounces. They are typically white or brightly colored for visibility on the field.

Mouthguard: A mouthguard is essential to protect your teeth and mouth from injury. It’s important to choose a mouthguard that fits properly and is comfortable to wear.

Shin guards: Shin guards protect your shins from injury during play. They are typically made of foam and are designed to fit comfortably underneath your socks.

Cleats: Field hockey is typically played on a grass or turf field, so it’s important to wear appropriate footwear. Cleats with rubber studs or bumps on the sole provide the necessary traction for quick movements and changes in direction.

The Essentials: Stick, Ball, and Protective Gear

Field hockey is a high-intensity sport that requires several pieces of equipment to play safely and effectively. The most important item is, of course, the stick. Field hockey sticks come in different sizes, materials, and shapes, so make sure you choose one that fits your size and level of play.

Another essential item is the ball. Field hockey balls are made of hard plastic and come in different sizes, depending on the level of play. Beginner players should use a softer ball to avoid injuries, while experienced players prefer a harder ball for better performance.

Protective gear is also crucial to stay safe on the field. Players are required to wear shin guards to protect their lower legs from hits, and mouthguards to protect their teeth and jaw from impacts. Goalkeepers require additional protective gear such as helmets and chest protectors to prevent serious injuries.

Optional Equipment: Cleats, Gloves, and Goggles

While a stick, ball, and protective gear are the essential pieces of equipment needed for field hockey, there are some optional items that players can use to enhance their performance and protect themselves even further.

Cleats are specialized shoes with studded soles that provide traction and stability on the turf. They are especially useful in wet or muddy conditions where slipping can be a concern.

Gloves can offer additional protection for the hands and fingers, as well as improve grip on the stick. Some players prefer to wear one glove on their left hand, while others wear gloves on both hands.

Goggles are designed to protect the eyes from stray balls or sticks. While not mandatory, they are strongly recommended, especially for players who wear prescription glasses.

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It’s important to note that any additional equipment worn by a player must comply with the rules set forth by their league or organization.

Where to Buy Field Hockey Gear: Online and In-Store Options

If you’re looking to buy field hockey gear, there are several options available both online and in-store. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Specialty Sports Stores: Check out your local sports stores that carry field hockey gear. They may have limited options, but it’s always worth a visit.
  2. Online Retailers: Many online retailers specialize in field hockey gear and have a wide selection of sticks, balls, and protective gear to choose from.
  3. Brand Websites: Most field hockey equipment brands have their own websites where you can purchase their gear directly. This is a great option if you’re loyal to a particular brand.
  4. Second-Hand Options: Consider buying second-hand gear from sites like eBay or Facebook Marketplace. You may be able to find high-quality gear at a lower price.
  5. Team Equipment Orders: If you’re part of a team, consider placing a group order for equipment to get a discount on bulk purchases.

Before making a purchase, make sure to do your research on the brand, product reviews, and return policies. With the right gear, you’ll be on your way to mastering field hockey in no time!

Mastering Field Hockey Techniques: Tips for Beginners

If you’re just starting out in field hockey, it’s important to focus on mastering the basics before moving on to more advanced techniques. Here are some fundamental skills to work on:

Stick handling: Being able to control the ball with your stick is essential in field hockey. Practice dribbling, passing, and receiving the ball with both sides of your stick.

Positioning: Knowing where to be on the field at all times is crucial in field hockey. Learn the different positions and how to transition between them as the game progresses.

Footwork: Quick and precise footwork is important in field hockey. Practice running, stopping, and changing directions quickly to improve your footwork on the field.

Shooting: The ultimate goal in field hockey is to score, so it’s important to work on your shooting skills. Practice shooting from different angles and distances to improve your accuracy and power.

By mastering these fundamental skills and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful field hockey player. As you progress, don’t be afraid to seek out additional tips and advice from more experienced players and coaches.

Grip and Stance: Proper Techniques for Holding the Stick

One of the most important skills in field hockey is having the proper grip and stance. Here are some tips to help you master these techniques:

  • Grip the stick: Hold the stick with both hands, placing your top hand about two-thirds of the way up the stick and your bottom hand at the bottom. Use your fingers to grip the stick, not your palms.
  • Stance: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Your weight should be evenly distributed between your feet.
  • Body positioning: Your body should be facing the direction you want to go. Keep your head up and your eyes on the ball.
  • Stick positioning: The stick should be perpendicular to the ground, with the flat side facing the ball.
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Practicing these techniques will help you feel more comfortable with the stick and improve your overall performance on the field.

Basic Skills: Dribbling, Passing, and Shooting

Dribbling: Dribbling is the act of moving the ball up and down the field using short taps with the stick. Keep the ball close to your stick and use both sides of the stick to control the ball. Practice changing direction and speed to improve your dribbling skills.

Passing: Passing involves moving the ball to a teammate using your stick. Aim for your teammate’s stick and use a flicking motion with your wrist to send the ball. Practice passing at different distances and angles to improve your accuracy.

Shooting: Shooting is the act of attempting to score a goal by hitting the ball into the opposing team’s net. Use a sweeping motion with your stick to hit the ball and aim for the corners of the net. Practice shooting from different angles and distances to improve your accuracy.

Receiving: Receiving is the act of stopping the ball and bringing it under control using your stick. Cushion the ball with your stick and move it to a position where you can pass, shoot, or dribble. Practice receiving at different speeds and angles to improve your control.

Advanced Techniques: Reverse Stick, Aerials, and Drag Flicks

Once you’ve mastered the basic skills of field hockey, you can start to work on more advanced techniques. The reverse stick is a technique where you use the back of the stick to hit the ball, which can be useful for changing direction or surprising your opponent.

The aerial is a skill where you lift the ball into the air to pass over an opponent’s stick. This is a difficult technique to master, but can be very effective in getting past defenders.

The drag flick is a technique used for penalty corners or shooting on goal. It involves dragging the ball with the stick and then flicking it towards the goal with speed and accuracy.

Remember, mastering these advanced techniques takes time and practice. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t come easily at first. Keep working at it and soon you’ll be able to add these impressive moves to your field hockey arsenal.

Field Hockey Positions: Which One is Right for You?

If you’re new to field hockey, you may be wondering which position is the best fit for you. Positions in field hockey are designed to play specific roles and have unique responsibilities.

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Forward positions focus on scoring goals and generally have a high level of skill and speed.

Midfielders play both offense and defense and are the most versatile players on the team. They cover a lot of ground and need good endurance.

Defenders work to prevent the other team from scoring and protect their own goal. They need to be able to tackle well and have good spatial awareness.

Goalkeepers have the most specialized role on the field. They need excellent hand-eye coordination and strong mental toughness.

Ultimately, the best way to find out which position is right for you is to try them all and see which one you enjoy the most. Experimentation is key to discovering your strengths and preferences on the field.

Goalkeeper: Roles, Responsibilities, and Equipment

Position Description: The goalkeeper is the last line of defense and is responsible for protecting the goal.

Roles and Responsibilities: The goalkeeper’s primary responsibility is to stop the ball from entering the goal. They must also communicate effectively with their teammates and act as the team’s organizer and leader from the back. The goalkeeper must be quick on their feet, agile, and have excellent reflexes to make crucial saves. Additionally, they need to have a strong throwing arm to distribute the ball to teammates and start counterattacks.

Equipment: Goalkeepers have specific equipment that is different from the other players on the team. They wear leg guards, kickers, hand protectors, a helmet with a face mask, a throat protector, and a body protector. The goalkeeper’s stick is also different from that of the other players, as it is wider and has a larger surface area.

Forwards and Midfielders: Attacking and Defending Strategies

Positioning: Forwards and midfielders must have good positioning to make attacking and defending easier. When attacking, they must position themselves to receive the ball and create scoring opportunities. When defending, they must position themselves to intercept passes and prevent the other team from scoring.

Communication: Communication is key in field hockey. Forwards and midfielders must communicate with each other to coordinate their movements and make effective passes. They must also communicate with the defense to make sure they are aware of any potential threats and to organize their defensive strategy.

Attacking Strategies: Forwards and midfielders must be creative and versatile in their attacking strategies. They can use a variety of moves, such as dribbling, passing, and shooting, to break through the defense and create scoring opportunities. They must also be able to anticipate the movements of their teammates and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Defensive Strategies: Forwards and midfielders must also be strong defenders. They must be able to apply pressure on the other team, prevent them from scoring, and regain possession of the ball. They can do this through interceptions, tackles, and marking the opposing team’s players.

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Fitness: Forwards and midfielders must have excellent fitness levels to perform their roles effectively. They must be able to cover a lot of ground, make quick sprints, and recover quickly after high-intensity actions. Regular cardio and strength training can help them maintain their fitness levels.

Field Hockey Leagues: Where to Watch and Play

If you’re a field hockey fan, you’ll be happy to know that there are several professional leagues around the world where you can watch the best players compete. The top leagues include the Federation Internationale de Hockey (FIH) Pro League, the Hoofdklasse in the Netherlands, and the Pakistan Hockey League.

But what if you’re interested in playing field hockey yourself? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there are plenty of options for playing in leagues, clubs, and tournaments. Some popular options include joining a local club team, participating in recreational leagues, or competing in national tournaments.

If you’re looking for a more casual way to get involved in field hockey, you might consider watching local high school or college games. These matches can be exciting and entertaining, and they’re a great way to support young players as they develop their skills.

Another way to watch field hockey is to tune in to major international tournaments like the Olympics or the World Cup. These events draw the best teams and players from around the world and are a great way to see some of the sport’s top talent in action.

Finally, if you’re interested in field hockey history, you might enjoy visiting museums dedicated to the sport. These museums can be found in various locations around the world and offer a chance to learn about the game’s origins, development, and evolution over time.

National and International Leagues: FIH Pro League, Hockey World Cup, Olympics

FIH Pro League: The FIH Pro League is a professional field hockey league comprising the top national teams in the world. It is an annual league where teams play each other in a round-robin format, and the top four teams advance to the grand finals. The league is organized by the International Hockey Federation (FIH), and it began in 201

Hockey World Cup: The Hockey World Cup is an international field hockey championship organized by the FIH. It is held every four years, and the top teams from around the world compete for the title. The first men’s World Cup was held in 1971, while the first women’s World Cup was held in 197The most successful team in the men’s competition is Pakistan, while the Netherlands is the most successful in the women’s competition.

Olympics: Field hockey has been an Olympic sport since 1908 for men and 1980 for women. The Olympic tournament features the best teams from around the world competing for a chance to win gold. The most successful men’s team in Olympic history is India, while the most successful women’s team is the Netherlands.

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Local and Regional Leagues: High School, College, and Club Teams

High School Teams: Many high schools across the country have field hockey teams that compete in local and regional leagues. These teams are a great way for young players to develop their skills and gain experience playing against other schools.

College Teams: Field hockey is a popular sport at the college level, with many universities offering varsity teams that compete in conferences and tournaments. Playing on a college team can be a great way for athletes to continue their passion for the sport while pursuing higher education.

Club Teams: Club teams offer a competitive environment for players of all ages and skill levels. These teams often participate in local and regional leagues, as well as national tournaments. Club teams can provide opportunities for players to develop their skills, make new friends, and travel to new places.

Summer Leagues: In addition to high school and college teams, there are also summer field hockey leagues that players can participate in. These leagues often take place in local communities and are a great way for players to stay active and improve their skills during the off-season.

Regional Tournaments: Many local and regional leagues host tournaments throughout the year. These tournaments bring together teams from different areas to compete against each other and showcase their skills. They are also a great way for players to meet new people and form new friendships with other athletes who share their passion for the sport.

Finding a Field Hockey League Near You: Online Resources and Community Outreach

If you’re interested in playing field hockey and looking for a league near you, there are a number of resources available online to help you in your search. Some great places to start include the USA Field Hockey website, which lists local clubs and leagues, and FieldHockey.com, which has a comprehensive directory of clubs and teams around the world.

In addition to online resources, community outreach programs can be a great way to connect with local field hockey leagues. Check with your local parks and recreation department or YMCA to see if they offer field hockey programs or know of any local leagues. You can also reach out to local high school or college teams to see if they have information on nearby club teams.

Another option is to attend local field hockey games or events and speak with players and coaches to get information about local leagues. Many leagues also have social media pages or email newsletters, so be sure to follow them to stay up-to-date on upcoming games and league information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is field hockey played?

Field hockey is played on a field with two teams of eleven players each. The objective is to score more goals than the opposing team by hitting the ball into the opponent’s goal using a stick.

What is the history of field hockey?

Field hockey has been played for thousands of years, with evidence of the game dating back to ancient civilizations in Greece, Rome, and Egypt. The modern version of the sport originated in England in the mid-19th century and spread around the world.

What are the rules of field hockey?

Field hockey has rules regarding player positions, equipment, gameplay, and penalties for infractions. Some key rules include no use of feet or body to touch the ball, no hitting the ball above shoulder height, and a five-yard rule for free hits.

What are the benefits of playing field hockey?

Playing field hockey can provide numerous physical and mental benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased coordination and balance, and opportunities for socialization and teamwork.

Where can someone learn to play field hockey?

People can learn to play field hockey through local teams, schools, and community organizations. There are also numerous resources available online, including instructional videos and coaching materials.

What Is Field Hockey? The Beginner's Guide (2024)


What is field hockey simple? ›

field hockey. noun. : a game played on a field in which each team uses curved sticks to try to knock a ball into the other team's goal.

How do you start field hockey? ›

The game starts with a push-back from the centre of the field, and the team that wins the coin toss starts with the ball. Each team consists of 11 players, including a goalkeeper who wears protective equipment. Players move the ball by hitting it with their sticks, which are usually made of wood or composite materials.

What is the start of a field hockey game called? ›

The game begins with a pass back from the centre-forward usually to the centre-half back from the halfway line. The opposing team cannot try to tackle this play until the ball has been pushed back.

How to explain hockey to a child? ›

Hockey players wear ice skates and move with great speed and skill across the ice. Two teams of six players compete to score the most points, or goals. A team scores when it moves the puck—a small, hard rubber disk—into the opponent's goal. Hockey is a rough sport, with a great deal of body contact between the players.

Is field hockey a hard sport? ›

Physical toughness

Hockey is one of the most physically demanding sports on the body. Players cover greater distances over a shorter period of time compared to most other team sports.

Can I start field hockey at 15? ›

The School Programs category is the largest of all, ranging from ages 12 to 18 for field hockey players. This category consists of hockey programs and school try-outs.

How do you stand out at field hockey tryouts? ›

Coaches do not want a player with a bad attitude. Display your passion for the game and excitement to be on the field. Field Hockey coaches look for players who hustle, volunteer to go first, and our a leader on the turf. If you mess up, do not display frustration and hang your head.

How do you get good at field hockey fast? ›

If you're wondering how to get better at field hockey, practice, repetition, and expert instruction are the most critical elements. At a summer camp, young players can learn field hockey skills and drills from expert coaches that help individuals get to the next level.

What does f mean in field hockey? ›

F. Field - The name for the playing area. The field is 100 yards (91.40 meters) long and 60 yards (55 meters) wide.

Do you still bully off in hockey? ›

The previous bully-off method, where two opposite players used their hockey sticks to compete for the ball, is no longer used to start matches. It is only used to re-start a match when time or play has been stopped for an injury or for any other reason when no penalty has been awarded.

Is field hockey a women's sport? ›

In the US the sport used to be female dominated as opposed to Europe's male dominant leagues. However, in the United States of America, there are few field hockey clubs, most play taking place between high school or college sides, almost entirely of females.

How do you describe hockey? ›

Hockey is a type of sport in which players try to get points by hitting an object into the other team's goal with a stick. Others believe hockey came from the French word “hoquet” which means shepherd's stick.

What do you do in field hockey? ›

In a field hockey match, two teams with 11 players each, use specially designed sticks to play for an hour and score goals to win a contest. With roots dating back to 500 BC, the origin of field hockey can be traced to the early civilizations of Ancient Greece and Egypt.

What is the basic information about hockey? ›

field hockey, outdoor game played by two opposing teams of 11 players each who use sticks curved at the striking end to hit a small, hard ball into their opponent's goal. It is called field hockey to distinguish it from the similar game played on ice.

What is the science behind field hockey? ›

All field hockey players follow “Newton's Laws of Motion“, the basic laws of physics. Sir Isaac Newton published his three laws in 1687, which were universally applicable to all things at rest, in motion, or on the ground.

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